Set Display Color Management
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ImagXpress 12 for ActiveX - User Guide > How To > View an Image > Define Image Display Properties > Set Display Color Management

Glossary Item Box

Color Management while Displaying an Image

Image Color Management (ICM) performs to ensure that the image has a very similar appearance, regardless of the device on which it is displayed or printed. When displaying an image, the image must be converted to the device-specific color space of the specified monitor. This conversion can be done at a number of different points in the process:

To perform color management within ImagXpress:

  1. Ensure that ICMEnabled is set to True.
  2. Specify how to apply profiles, by setting the ICMRenderIntent property (for example, Picture, Graphics, Business or Colorimetric interpretation).
  3. Specify the color profile to be used when performing ICM on an image to be displayed by setting ICMMonitorProfileName.  Setting ICMMonitorProfileName doesn't change the profile name stored with the monitor device context - it simply specifies the color profile ImagXpress uses when performing Image Color Management. If no ICMMonitorName is set, ImagXpress will use the ICMDefaultMonitorProfileName (the default monitor profile name from the current Windows device context). 
  4. Display the Image.  

See Also

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